Isn't Little Frankenstein SUPER scary? Heck No...He's super Cute!!!!
Last night was so much fun. Brian had such a blast and thoroughly enjoyed himself. I had been asking him whats he going to to say when you knock on the door and he would reply "Trick-or-Treat, knock on door"....funny funny.
We left at about 6pm to go Trick-or-Treating and we went over to the Overlook area, they had like 2 flights of stairs to get to the door of their house....gave Brian and I a real work out. We only did one block and than went over on Willamette where we went last year and did another block and a half. As soon as we got to the doors I would knock and he would yell before the door opened "Trick-or-Treat" and than when the people opened the door he would very quietly say "Trick-or-Treat" and than get his candy and very politely say "Thank You".
I am very glad that my mom the last month of so would take him down the Halloween aisles at the stores so he could see the scary masks and all the Halloween stuff so that way he wouldn't be so scared when Halloween did come around. Lets just say it paid off. He loved all the Halloween stuff at the houses. There was one house that this guy dressed up really scary looking and was in this long black witches cloak and had the bowl on his lap and as soon as Brian and I were approaching i was thinking "Oh S***, Brian's going to freak"...but to my shock, Brian went up there and was so amazed and didn't want to stop looking at him. This other house had a whole bunch of scary looking dummies on the porch and he wanted to be right up with them and the owner was shocked on how little and interested Brian was in it all. He said almost all small kids are scared. Not mine...I was very proud!!
For only doing 2 1/2 blocks, he got a lot of candy. My mom and I had a lot of fun with him and to hear him say "Trick-or-Treat" and to say "Thank You" after he got the candy made me so proud. We got lots of compliments on how cute he looked and what a good looking chap he is!! I was such a proud Mommy last night. I had a lot of fun with him and to see the smile on his face all night was so great. He really got the hang of it.
The poor little guy was pooped out, so we went and grabbed a bite to eat and headed home to eat it. When we pulled up to the house he was sleeping in his car seat. He was so worn out.
Brian was being such a pain on letting me take some photos so here are a few decent ones I was able to capture.
I would tell Brian "Say Cheese" and he would scream "Cheese" and this is what I would get!
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