Today I feel like a Super Mom. I know I'm a Super Terrific Mom, but I'm talking about a SUPER MOM!!! You know the one who can do anything and be anywhere with the snap of her fingers.
I woke up this morning thinking to myself "just because Brian woke up at 5am, don't make it a bad day, it's going to be a good day". When I finally crawl off the couch 6am and somewhat coherent I realize Brian is coming down with something, so while I am getting myself ready I am having to deal with my soon to be sickly child. I again think to myself "it's going to be a good day".
I give Brian his medicine and I try and get ready for work. I get him settled with his cartoons and his sippy and I tell him "I'm going to go take a shower, you watch Manny and the Tools and I'll be back", his reply "OK". As I'm stepping in the shower Brian is yelling "MOM". I know that he is obviously up to something or has done something...but I scratch that out of my head cause HELLO, folks this is my son...He IS up to something and he HAS done something.
I am a champ on 5 minute showers in the morning, I can shave, shampoo and condition in 5 minutes. So I rush and out of the shower I fly.
I headed to the living room still hearing Brian yell "MOM".
He sees me and says "Hi Mom"
Me: "What's wrong Bubba
Brian: "Look" as he points to the couch
Me: "What did you do
Brian: "On blankie"
Me: "Whats on your blankie?"
Brian: "Milk" as he holds up his sippy with the lid off of it
Me: "Did you take the lid off?"...Stupid Question!!!
Brian: In the happiest voice you can imagine and snot running from his nose he tilts his head and raises his hands in the air and says........."YEAH!!!!!"
There I was this morning looking at the clock, 6:25am still wet hair and no clothes for him and I, standing there and telling myself "it's going to be a good day".
I hurry up and get dressed and do my hair than I get Brian dressed and i tell him "OK Bubba lets go to the bathroom and brush our teeth". he hops up and heads to the bathroom walking like he owns the joint (what am I saying...he does). He walks to the sink and lift him up and I grab his toothbrush and put some toothpaste on it. He grabs the toothpaste tube and before I could grab it he squeezes it and on my tank-top it goes. I grab some water and some soap and I scrub until it comes out.
After I drop Brian off at Day Care I get into work and all before 9am immediately I am hit with the following from the employees in my office...
- Kristin.....The Email fax is down
- Kristin.....The tray on the Copier isn't working
- Kristin.....The fridge isn't shutting because the freezer is iced over too bad
- Kristin.....The machine that is hooked up to the copier isn't working
All i can say is I feel like Super Mom...Not only am I a Mom to a 2 year old but I am a Mom to 6 individuals in my office ranging from 23 to 50+.
Not only am I a Mom, but I am a...
- Fridgerator Repair Girl
- Copier Repair Girl
- Fax and Email Repair Girl
- Chef (cooking dinner every night for 6 people)
- Personal Shopper (buying groceries every week for 6 people)
- Maid (cleaning up after 6 people every night)
So in the midst of it all I feel like a Super Hero (not as good as I thought it might feel). As I am telling my boss that I am not the Fridge Repair Girl he looks at me and says "Yeah but you're damn good at it...." That's just so reassuring (and I say that VERY sarcastically)!!!
Last but not least at 11am I am saying....IT'S GOING TO BE A GOOD DAY!!!!
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